One of the harshest parts of the pandemic was that businesses and companies were struggling to get through. The Government had to prioritize the safety of their people because they did not have enough information about the virus, nor was there a cure. People were not allowed out with the Government imposing various restrictions such as lockdowns, forcing people to stay home, which also lead to companies and businesses shutting their doors, so as not to have many people under one roof. There were new rules about the number of people allowed in one place, so many offices had to spread their staff out, or tell them to work remotely. It was a confusing time for most because they had not seen anything like this in the past. There were other changes like wearing masks, maintaining social distance among so much more.
Companies were not seeing the results they were expecting, while their staff was remote working, while most of them complained that the productivity of their teams significantly dropped. Most companies were struggling to keep up with their teams, while people were losing their jobs and companies were shutting down. However, one thing was for sure, marketing was not the same anymore, with a large number of companies and industries not spending much because they were uncertain about the future. Being experts in marketing, we were assisting our clients with the process of getting out there again, post one of the toughest pandemics.
Over the past year, most of which was during a pandemic and lockdown, we focused on growing steadily. We have several senior partners in the office, and we decided to keep adding on the team to increase more territory and get a lot more done. Furthermore, we worked on the growth of territory, and we moved from one to 22 locations in less than five months, which was no mild feat. We saw these changes significantly affect our clients, along with massive growth for all clients across the board and triple their profit in a short time.
One of the best parts of the work that we handle is that it significantly benefits our clients, but unlike other companies, we create opportunities for our clients to hire a lot more people. We also assist our clients with the process of scaling, which is another significant part of the work that we have to handle. The companies and clients we work with additionally create a hundred more jobs, improving better service and options for clients.
The pandemic was challenging for most people and companies. We were not doing as well as we would have without a pandemic, but we were fortunate to have a regular flow of work coming in. We were constantly connected to our clients and working with them. There were points during the pandemic where it felt that there wasn’t much happening, but there were other points where the changes that were taking place were bearable.
If we are looking at the changes we are foreseeing over the next couple of months, we have a lot in the pipeline. We have plans of growing into 12 new territories. Furthermore, we are working with the same clients to generate double the profit for their businesses and companies. Finally, we are adding three more news programs to the list as well, and that should be vastly beneficial for a large number of people out there and creating a fast duplication system to meet our team and clients’ demands.
All the changes that we have planned have to start somewhere, and here are the baby steps that we are working on over the next couple of months to get there.
#1: Hiring a stronger team
Strong leadership with a fast training system will help us to grow the team faster. We have to make sure the people joining the fold are equipped to handle the changes we are asking for, and that they work well together. Additionally, they have to align with the company and the changes and the upgrades we are looking to implement.
#2: Adapting to new things
We want a team that is always open-minded to any challenges and opportunities. There are a lot of opportunities everywhere, if we just look, and we need a team capable of working and implementing the vast range of them to scale and get bigger. As a team, we have to focus and priorities the same things so that we can grow.
#3: Creating new systems for training
The more solid teams that we create, the faster we can grow. While this is a philosophy that we convey to our clients, we strongly believe in it. We are continually working on new systems for the people we are working with. When we are bringing a new team on board, we want to make sure that they can pick up where the rest of us left off so we create templates and other material that they can work with and get bigger.
#4: Fostering diverse team cultures
A healthy and creative environment is a significant part of growing as a company. We have to make sure the teams are working with people they are happy with. We also make sure it is conducive to the work we handle, so our staff are happy and productive, which is beneficial for them and us.
#5: Adding new clients
We never want to stop growing, which means we have to keep adding more clients to the roaster. We even considered creating a different team to assist with the changes. We are also developing a process to vet the client that we bring on board so they can assist us with our growth. Finding the right people to get through the process is a significant change, and we are working to make sure we get it done right.
If you are looking for a company to assist with the growth of your company, we at Fresh Success Marketing have you covered. WE are a direct sales and marketing firm in Texas, and we help our clients grow. The process we follow to get through is setting up small deadlines and targets for the companies we work with, allowing them to see the progress and push toward reaching them. Some of the tasks that we work with are Business Development, Fast-Paced Marketing Careers and Leadership Skill Training but if you want a detailed understanding of the services that we provide, and how it benefited the clients we are working with, please click here. If you want to get in touch with us, please click here.