What Did COVID Do To Your Growth?

Blog by Fresh Success Marketing Group, Inc.

Marketing through the pandemic was challenging, especially with people not in the position to meet one another in person. Most companies brag about their marketing procedures where they work with clients and marketing their products. With the number of people catching the virus increasing throughout the pandemic, the authorities constantly implemented lockdowns and other changes. All businesses and companies had no choice but to adapt to the changes taking place across the board.

Most companies and businesses had no choice but to adapt to remote working. Our staff were no longer coming to the office to get things done but would choose to coordinate processes remotely. It was challenging for companies to keep up with the changes because they were unsure about how to get through. With so many changes taking place, companies could not make ends meet and were letting go of large numbers of their staff. Some companies had to shut down significant branches to stay afloat.

Marketing started getting quite challenging because fewer people were leaving their houses. For the most part, people were getting everything done indoors and were having their requirements delivered to their houses, which was quite positive because they did not have to leave their home. The process kept everyone safe by reducing the number of interactions that were taking place.

Additionally, massive changes took place over the last couple of months, and most companies had to work on adjusting to them. With companies and businesses forced to use the internet, COVID helped open doors for more opportunities to grow. We were adapting to the changes that were taking place, and we grew four times more than ever before. We followed the rules when getting things done and worked with more clients to meet targets while wearing masks and maintaining social distance.

When it came to adapting to the new changes that were taking place, we also made some changes to the ways we were communicating with our clients. We get more creative and open-minded with everything around us when we are working remotely and alone. We also found that we are more motivated to work with different opportunities, which is something that we were not paying much attention to in the past.

We do not work remotely for the most part and are sticking to getting things done from the office. We started because we are a people business and always work with people, so it made sense to get things done in person. However, we are also really on top of being safe, and we have all the measures in place to make sure everything is alright.

We always follow the policies of a specific city, especially with everything opening normally, so we can have more people joining us, but within reason. We are not making massive changes at the moment because we heard and noticed a spike in the number of cases. We are trying to be safe and keep the others safe as well.

We make sure we spray everything at the office. We have teams that coordinate the process throughout the week. Additionally, we make sure no one shows up if they are sick, and we have them sent back if they do. We also have temperature scans to make sure we have an additional level of protection. When it comes to the number of hours that we spend working and adjust depending on our client requirements or the tasks at hand. There are other challenges when processing, and we are all flexible as long as we are seeing results.

With the work that we handle, we do not need to send secret messages or encrypted emails. The information that we pass on should be treated well, and we have been doing that through email. We do not have any fancy software to communicate with one another and do that through phone, text or email. For the most part, we have meetings in person with one another, making communication significantly easier. We also learned that there can be quite a few misunderstandings when we speak remotely, but when we are getting it done in person, we can always explain and have everything sorted immediately.

However, some clients would not want to meet in person, and we are alright with those changes. We work to make sure that our clients are always happy when it comes to coordinating with us. We work on platforms that our clients would prefer when communicating with them and get in touch on Whatsapp, Skype, Zoom, Hangouts, or any other. We would adjust to any of the services our clients are comfortable using to benefit everyone across the board. We also take part in virtual public events and business expos to create greater awareness about our brand.

Although there were a few inconveniences around COVID, it is not stopping us from growing and being who we are. We always want to work toward doing what we do to help as many clients as possible. It helps us recognize how important communication is and the numerous things we can currently do through the pandemic, and all that we are missing out on. The pandemic gave us some time to introspect everything that was happening.

At Fresh Success Marketing Group, we are a direct sales and marketing firm in Texas. We work with clients to align to their requirements and work on executing what they are looking for. There were many changes made along the way, and sometimes we had to tell clients about changes to their vision, aimed at getting a better result. We work on our long-term vision by building an enthusiastic and passionate team comprising individuals who love what they do. We look forward to building a brighter tomorrow and want clients who want to be a part of that. If you are looking for a better understanding of the people we work with, please click here. If you think we can assist with a service or want to get in touch with us, please click here. 

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